Dobermann - Sport und Zucht -
Born 2004-10-14
Reg Nr: S65312/2004 Sweden, Titels: SUCH, Korad, IPO 2, Swedish Champion in Aug 2009,
IPO 3 Swedish Championships Aug 2010, DKUCH on KHBV-09

WVD -frei (DNA Laboklin)

ZTP V1A 2008, Judge Rudi Killmaier

V-4 Final OpenClass black males IDC Sweden 2008,
Judge Helmut Redtenbacher
Excellent World Dog Show 2008, Judge Barbara Zanierri
VDH Cert Bundessieger 2008, Judge Norbert Daube
VDH Cert Dortmund Nationell, Judge H. Assenmacher-Feyel

IPO 2 in May 2009
IPO 3 in August 2010
JeanDark Funtastic is a beautiful very mentalstable
and cool male.
He has a very good bite in protectionwork and
is a very good sportdog.
He is fast, never gets tired and he has a very good contactwork.
He has a friendlly temprament and he is a very
kind dog!
He lives with us and our children, cats and other dogs.
We are in training for more competitons in IPO 3

 F U N T A S T I C  at  W O R K   /    F U N T A S T I C  bei  der  A R B E I T

 F U N T A S T I C ' S   P E D I G R E E  /    F U N T A S T I C ' S   S T A M M B A U M
Come As You Are Dalli Alfa Adelante del Citone Prinz vom Norden Stamm
Tequila Mali del Citone
Come As You Are Alabama Baron Nike Renewal
Galaxy Gwendy
Nonchalance v.
Gebrannten Walde
Diablo di Latiano Graaf Quirinus v. Neerlands Stam
Barones Belita v. Alpha Nordic Nobel v. Roveline
Schwima´s Black Voodoo

Kristina Wahlqvist
Hällbyvägen 8
155 93 Nykvarn
Email: Cellphone +46 709278047